The Taurus Natives are down-to-earth, tenacious, reliable, loyal, stubborn and sensual. People who are born with Taurus have the ability to look good. They have normal height and they look very bold. They have very beautiful features and they have special beauty in their eyes. They have beautiful faces, long living life, glory and the best status in their life, they always get everything best in their life.
Horoscope prediction of Taurus Native by Astrologer Sanjay Kumar
Our Astrologer Sanjay Kumar predicteds the future of us to make our life a stress free life. He provides lots of advice and solutions for people who are in problem with astrology. He gives some more information about the Taurus zodiac sign as follows.
People who are born with Taurus have the ability to look good. They have normal height and they look very bold. They have very beautiful features and they have special beauty in their eyes. They have beautiful faces, long living life, glory and the best status in their life, they always get everything best in their life.
Taurus people will be the best example for others, they show the best path for others life. Taurus have more interest in doing social services and they always love to take responsibility and stand in front of all events. They do hard work for their achievements and complete everything in the best way. They do not love to do things for their own or self, they always think how to improve or grow others life i.e relatives, friends or any family member's life in a good way.
Taurus have some tactics, fun and more attractive speaking capabilities. They face some difficulties to get introduced to a new person, they feel shy to get close with friends, relatives and strangers. Taurus people always be more careful while talking to someone because they think that nobody should not get worried by their speech. Taurus are mostly hardworking people, if they start a work once after completing the work only they will move to other activities. Taurus people are more caring and lovely people, they have more love for their parents, husband, children and siblings. They are the best devotees of God. They have the best capability to tolerate all the tough situations.
They will not get angry mostly but if they get angry they will not give up easily. They are not interested in luxurious life, but they wish to have peace, love and caring in their normal life. They have lots of interest in music and dance. Taurus persons are the best example for hard working, they have the best memory power and also have the best skill to lead a big powerful business.
Lord Sukra or Venus is the God of Tuarus.
Marriage life of taurus native:
According to marriage life Taurus shows great love and caring for their partner. So their marriage life will always be a happy and healthy one, if a problem arises then they try to solve the problem in the best way.
Taurus are financially best in wealth, they succeed in earning money by their hard work. They earn lots of money in a short period and spend it for family and friends, they always save half of the amount of money for their future.
Best profession :
The best professions for Taurus are Musicians, Tailor, Insurance or any other banking jobs, Painter, Farmers and Business.
Lucky numbers:
The lucky number for Taurus is 6 and 5.
Lucky colour:
The lucky colour for Taurus is white and green.
Lucky days:
Monday, Friday and Saturday are the lucky days for Taurus Natives so try to start any new work on that day to increase the chances of success.
Best house facing direction:
Building a home in the north east facing direction is best for Taurus. This direction is very auspicious for them. It attracts positivity, wealth, health, power and prosperity.
Best profession:
Aries are always best in the Medical field, Sports, Police Officer, Tourist guide and Entrepreneur. If they do business in real estate or any other construction type of business they will get lots of honour in it.
How to lead a good life and overcome problems?
Nandhi Bhagavan is the God for Taurus, doing poojas at pradhosham give us all prosperity and happy life. We can give food or bananas to a cow daily so that we can make our life a trouble-free life.
For further details we can consult an astrologer. Astrologer Sanjay Kumar is one the best astrologers and he reduces our stress by giving appropriate solutions for the problem occurring because of the birth chart. He provides the best solution for us using astrology.
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