What is Mangal Dosha ?
According to astrology, Mangal Dosha exists in a person's natal chart if the planet Mars or Mangal is located in either of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses.
If a girl having Mangal Dosha in her birth chart marries a boy with Mangal Dosha or vice versa, there will be no problem in life.
That's why Astrology says, a Manglik girl or boy should marry a Manglik boy or girl to eliminate all negative influences of Mangal Dosha.
Mangal Dosha can be removed even after marriage by using some astrological remedies which are as follows
- Fasting on Tuesday helps eliminate the negative effects of Mangaldosh.
- Chanting the Navagraha mantra or Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesday also helps Mangal to purify his dosh. In fact, when Gayatri mantra is chanted 108 times a day, it helps to calm this dosh.
- Mangal is associated with Hanuman, the nature god of Mars. Sacrifice a knife, wheat bread, red silk, red stone and a sword, and Lord Mangal can get rid of this dosh.
- Religious pujas for navagraha at navagraha temples help reduce this effect after marriage. However, there are few temples dedicated to Lord Magal in India.
- Since Tuesday is Hanuman's Day, you can offer ink, ghee lamps and sweets to please Hanuman and help him free himself from this dosh. Only mans can do this.
- Mars-related gems also help alleviate Mangal Dosh. Gold-ringed Red Coral can be worn on Heart's finger by Mangal to combat the negative emotions of his Dosha.
Thus, the above are the remedies for Mangal Dosha to live a peaceful and prosperous life. You can overcome this effect by chanting certain prayers, chanting mantras, and donating various things, but this should be done under the guidance of an experienced astrologer.
FAQs : -
According to astrology, getting a Manglik married to a Manglik is a good solution because it automatically eliminates the Manglik Dosha.
According to astrology, if you marry someone with Mangal Dosha, there are obstacles in the timing of marriage and the problems remain even after marriage.
Fasting and reciting Hanuman chalisa on Tuesday, chanting navagraha mantras, worshiping Mars or Mangal Dev and wearing specific gemstones are some commonly used remedies for removing mangal dosha after marriage.
Two Manglik people getting married to each other is mostly suggested by many famous astrologers. This will help both of them to get rid of the negative effects of Manglik dosha and help them to lead a blissful married life.
If both of the husband and wife are manglik, mangal dosha automatically terminates. But, if one is manglik and another is non-manglik then obstacles remain even after marriage.
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