Mercury or Bhudhan is the God of Gemini. Gemini Native are very intelligent, playful, inquisitive, flexible, extroverted and clever. Astrologer Sanjay Kumar has a great name in astrology. He provided us with some details about the Gemini zodiac sign.
About gemini native
According to Gemini the person looks tall and very lean in structure. They have beautiful eyes and an oval shaped figure of face. Actually the people who were born in Gemini are over-thinking people, they think more than twice before doing their work. They have the capability of changing their characteristics according to the situation that occurs around them. The people who are very close to Gemini can understand them deeply but others aren't able to understand them.
Gemini are little adamant by birth so that they will never forgive anything or any situation, if any problem arises then they work to solve the entire root cause of the problem. The person who is born in Gemini has the capability to do lots of work at the same time. They are more active in nature, they will not mingle with others easily so that they always think to be alone.
Gemini don't easily give up, they will never ask help from others. If others ask him for some favour then Gemini will not hesitate to do it. They do each and every work with great responsibility. Gemini have good memory power, so that they will be best in studies. They have more patience to do their work, they work with lots of care and awareness. They look innocent by nature, but they know how to succeed. If they don't like any argument then they will never get into it. They mostly care for their parents and siblings, they love and enjoy teasing their family and friends.
Gemini are enjoyable people, they don't think to save money, they are interested in spending money and enjoying life. They are interested to be friends with everyone, but if they don't like any particular person then they immediately drop their friendship. They don't share their secrets with anyone, they love to do their work where they feel more comfortable.
Marriage life prediction of gemini native:
According to the marriage life of Gemini, they have the best life partner. There might be some difference in their opinion but they will not take it seriously. If there is any problem, it means also they will not show it to others, they always will be like problem free couples.
Gemini are good financially, they are mostly interested in leading a luxurious life so that they spend more money purchasing luxurious items, they do not have interest to save money.
Best profession:
The best professions for Gemini are Accountants, School Teacher, Photographer, Judges, Mechanical Engineer, Salesman, Journalist and any jobs in the Research department.
Lucky numbers:
The lucky number for Gemini is 3, 5 and 6.
Lucky colour:
The lucky colour for Gemini is yellow.
Lucky days:
The lucky days for Gemini are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Best house facing direction:
Building a home by facing north - east direction is best for Gemini. This facing brings more prosperity and good luck for the person with the zodiac sign of Gemini.
How to lead a good life and overcome problems?
We can worship Lord Narayana on a daily basis, so that he will provide us with the best wealth and prosperity. He gives us all the best things in our life and so we can succeed in each and every activity that we do.
For any guidance we can choose Astrologer Sanjay Kumar to solve our problems. By using astrology he helps us to overcome all our difficulties that occur in our life.
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