Finance astrology includes all the areas with loans, debts and financial issues. The planet position of Venus, Rahu, Mars and Saturn indicates the financial condition in astrology. If this planet is positioned in the right place then there will be no problem in finance but if the planets are not positioned properly then financial issues start to arise in a family.
Finance horoscope and debts
Finance horoscopes can be done through the date of birth of a person, the gain and loss of money or financial status can be checked by finance astrology. It gives a detailed description about a person, regarding his identification of gain, loss or his/her financial situation in future. It also gives various details about debts and personal loans. The debt is simply known as due in amount or some of money that is owed.
Finance horoscopes even let a person know whether he/she will be able to enjoy the well accumulated life without any problem or not. It is checked by the balance between the 2nd house, 11th house and 12th house in the birth chart. The 11th house deals with the house of Gain, the 12th house indicates the house of loss whereas the second house deals with Savings and economic growth. Finance horoscope gives details about how to get a loan in particular time, regarding debts, best time to invest in property and also discusses important financial health and wealth.
The debts issue is studied by the 6th house of horoscope which indicates debts and financial issues. Taking loans for genuine reasons is the first category which can be handled easily in astrology. The loan taken in order to cheat is the second category which is a little difficult but also can be treated easily in horoscopes. Astrology always has a perfect solution to come out from debt problems in our life. It helps us to know about gain in the share market and sudden gain in life.
Planets responsible for debts and financial issues
The planets Mars, Rahu and Saturn are the three planets responsible for debts and loans. Planet Mars has the ability to put a person into stress by his financial issues. Rahu will make more critical situations in financial life. Planet Saturn gives more frustration in life with debts.
Astrological Solution For Finance
The financial situation can be taken under control if Venus and Jupiter are strong in a natal chart of a person. If Jupiter and Rahu are positioned in the same sign of rashi, then Jupiter won't be able to give a good result. For more details we can get suggestions from Astrologer Sanjay Kumar who helps us to overcome the financial problems in our life with his great ideas and solutions
The Best Finance Expert Astrologer Sanjay Kumar
Astrologer Sanjay Kumar explains to us how finance horoscopes help in one's life. He is the best astrologer in India, he received multiple awards for his best recognition in the astrology field. He helped many people to find out ways to overcome their problems. He has huge knowledge in numerology, horoscope, palm astrology, vastu shastra etc.
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