Affairs are also commonly described as infidelity or cheating, it may also be called adultery or an extra marriage affair. Infidelity may not only have a destructive impact on the relationship which may lead to separation or divorce and also negatively affect the partner's overall emotion. This will enhance the depression symptoms and lower self-esteem. To get rid of extra marital affairs you can visit the best Astrologer Sanjay Kumar and get counseling from him.
Reason behind extra marital affair
Extra marital affairs generally happen at work with colleagues. People spend most of the time with other people who are not their spouse and also sometimes they are sexually connected. There are some reasons given below for committed partners why they are seeking an extra marital affair.
- Physical attraction towards other people.
- Communication breakdowns in the relationship and lack of attention from the official partner.
- Trying to experience a new romance.
- Lack of sexual satisfaction with their partner.
Planets responsible for extra marital affairs in the birth chart by astrology
Extra marital affairs have become common in the modern world. Several psychological and social developments describe reasons for extra marital affairs according to astrological and horoscope.
- The weak Jupiter that exists in the 9th house causes an extra marital affair.
- Malefic planet affects Kama trikona in horoscope, this leads to illegal relationships.
- The Moon and Saturn conjunction make punarphoo dosha in the birth chart, it causes extra affairs with some other person.
- If the Scorpion Zodiac contains Raghu and Venus, then an illegal relationship occurs.
- If the third house contains Rahu and Mars as well as the moon and mercury combined in Gemini cause problems in relationships
- The arudha pada in 5th and 7th house connect with upapada lagna, this might damage the relationship between couples.
- If Moon combines with Raghu and then Mars and Venus conjunction takes place in the second house of navamsa, there are more chances for illegal relationships.
- Venus in the 7th house and if it gets afflicted by 6th and 8th lords then problems appear in marriage life.
- The presence of lords in 5th, 7th and 8th houses cause trouble between partners.
- If the position of Venus joins with Mars and Rahu then it creates the chance of infidelity.
- If the position of the moon is placed in 5th and 9th place from the position of Mercury, then it will cause extra marital affairs in relationships.
Remedies for extra marital affairs
- Chant the mantra of God Shiva and Parvati, this will help your partner to come back from an extra marital affair.
- The following remedy should be performed on Sunday night. Keep kumkum on one side of the bed where your partner sleeps, the next day collect the Kumkum and keep it in the partition of your head by worshiping Goddesses Parvati, this will help your partner to get away from illegal relationships.
- Visit Durga Temple 3 times in a week and do worship regularly, this will rectify all the marital problems in your life.
- Write your partner's name in lotus seeds and burn it, let it turn to ashes. This will help your partner to get out of an illegal relationship.
For more details and suggestions we can contact the best Astrologer Sanjay Kumar. Astrology Sanjay Kumar is the best astrologer in the world. His astrological remedies are very affordable and people around the world prefer to get consultation from him. Astrologer Sanjay Kumar protects people from further problems and helps many people to choose the right way to lead a good life. His spiritual ways are very effective for a person and his remedies heal the problem in an efficient manner.
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