Marriage is a beautiful relationship between two individuals. They enter into married life with lots of hopes and dreams. The expectation of both plays a significant role in marital life but the problem gets raised just after marriage if expectation is not satisfied between the partners. Some of the problems occur between the partners because of different types of opinion, abuse by in-laws, silly fights and loss of attraction.
Astrology is the best way to get out of extra marital affairs and save your personal life. The planets and the universal bodies play the role in deciding the attitude, nature and behavior of an individual. In married life, the perspective of two individuals may be different at any point. This may cause the start of an increase in distance between both. Sometimes one partner may be attracted to another person. To control your partner and be united together or individually can take the help of astrology. With the help of an astrologer you can build the atmosphere of your family happily.
Common problem between couples that disturbed their married life
The lack of communication between couples and lack of sexual intimacy caused problems between the couples. Emotional infidelity can also lead to adultery and cheating in a married life. Scarcity of money, jealousy and boredom can also create disturbance in marriage life.

Reason for disturbed marriage life by astrology
1. If any problem occurs in married life then Sun and Mars should be predicted in the
birth chart of husband and wife. The sun is the thing which shows education, status and direction.
It should be checked first for women if a problem occurs in her life. If the sun is afflicted by Saturn,
then marriage gets delayed for women.
2. Mars is the planet which predicts power, respect, profession and energy. If Mars is afflicted by
Saturn then bad results like widowhood, break up and separation of couples occurs.
3. Ketu, Saturn, Mars and Rahu are taken as malefic planets and they cause lots of problems in married life.
Astrologer Sanjay Kumar is a popular figure in the field of next problem solution his valuable advice and best powerful remedies always give the solution to every individual suffering from this problem
Remedies for disturbed marriage life by astrology
The following remedy should be performed on Friday in Shukla paksha when the moon is positioned auspiciously in the birth chart.
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1. The place where puja is done should be clean and neat, it must be covered with a red woolen blanket. During pooja your face should be in the north position. Chant Gauri Shankar Mantra daily 108 times this will reduce the conflict between husband and wife.
2. Offer 108 Green lentils for Goddesses Parvati, light a ghee lamp and chant Mantra of goddess, after completion of puja the bowl of lentils should be fed for birds. This should be performed regularly for 21 or 31 days with full faith and purity of feelings that clear all the disturbance in marriage life.
The World Best Astrologer Sanjay Kumar
Astrologer Sanjay Kumar is one of the best astrologers because of his knowledge. His interaction with the public, astrological knowledge, best guidance and counseling many people’s lives. He is also good in relating with planetary moments and their impact on an individual's life. If you need to get some astrological remedies you can consult him.
You can trust him to get 100% good and positive results for your problem solutions. His remedies will make your life positive, fun filled and happy.
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